Rilton Cup announces cooperation with FIDE’s Fair Play Commission

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FIDE’s Fair Play Commission (FPL) is helping the Stockholm Chess Federation with implementing fair play measures before and during the 50th edition of the Rilton Cup, Sweden’s biggest open chess tournament. The Secretary of the Fair Play Commission, Bojana Bejatovic, and Ana Srebrnič were appointed as the Fair Play Officers of the tournament.

FIDE’s newly elected Fair Play Commission will hold its first commission meeting in Stockholm during the Rilton Cup on January 4 and 5.

Also, the first live seminar to obtain Fair Play Expert norms will be held in Stockholm on the day after the Rilton Cup on January 6.

“We sought out help from FIDE to assist us with the Fair Play”, said Birger Wenzel, Chairman of the Rilton Committee. “We are grateful that Fair Play Officers from FIDE are helping us to prepare for the tournament and that they will also be present during the event. We are learning so much from our ongoing conversations with Yuri Garrett and his team. We went from the stage of ‘unconsciously incompetent’ to ‘consciously incompetent’, but with the help of FIDE, we can hopefully soon become ‘consciously competent’ and ensure fair play not only at the Rilton Cup but also in all tournaments in Stockholm.”

Yuri Garrett, Chairman of the FPL, added: “It was and is a joy to work with the Organizing Committee of the Rilton Cup. This is a team of very dedicated and experienced people who understand that prevention and best practices are vital in the fight for guaranteeing Fair Play at major events. I can’t wait to be in Stockholm with my team to lend a helping hand and contribute to the success of the event. And, if I can take this liberty, I would love to abuse of this space to ask all top organizers from all over the world to follow in the graceful steps of their Swedish colleagues.”

The Rilton Cup is the first tournament to be part of FIDE’s new qualification path to the Candidate Tournament.

The Deputy Chair of FIDE’s Management Board, Dana Reizniece-Ozola, commented: “The Rilton Cup is actually a unique tournament among the commercial/open events paying so serious attention to fair play measures and cooperating with FIDE FPL. Such an attitude is very important in those tournaments that will want to comply with qualification criteria.”

The fair play measures will be in accordance with Swedish law and are going to be both visible and less visible during the Rilton Cup.

The 50th edition of the Rilton Cup, Sweden’s biggest open chess tournament will take place from December 27 to January 5 in Stockholm.